now that so much of my art work was stolen. I want to get my iPhone art apps going again. I miss doing any art lately because my circumstances have been so bad. it's been really sad to let go of my art supplies. my easel, paints and papers. #iphoneart #journaling #iphoneography
feeling good about my writing, but didn't write this weekend. after writing all week found myself retraumatized. at first not sure what was going on. had dealt with triggers, but this was pretty bad. had to rest all weekend.#trauma #recovery #coercivecontrol #economicabuse
I've told my story numerous times here to the police, hospital, court, jail, psych ward. each time protection of the abusers, accusations of me being
mentally ill, incompetent, drunk. my life destroyed in 3yrs. #retraumatized #trauma #recovery #coercivecontrol #economicabuse
harrowing to found out the truth. 20yr marriage set up from the start to make me appear mentally ill all along. ungodly, but I have survived worst of it. attacks continue here to make me appear "crazy" denying me right to live my life. #coercivecontrol #economicabuse #recovery
I sit in this small room day after day. no hope to do anything. no one should live this way. everyone involved in this is allowed to live their life. this was not just me and my ex. this has been an ongoing game here 20yrs. stalking me relentlessly. #coercivecontrol #ruralabuse
people involved figured after 20yrs I would kill myself or be insane. I was arrested numerous times told I was suicidal, how convenient. "she did it to herself" all to look like I was mentally ill from the start. now being forced on disability. #coercivecontrol
told for 20yrs I was crazy, started out very subtle. included everyone in my life. absolutely horrible. I recently learned the truth. I have been arrested numerous times now to cover it all up. it almost killed me. #coercivecontrol #stalking #intimateterrorism #inducedsuicide
laws need to change for this horrible abuse. I sit like a hostage in a room now. stalking continues. this group trying to force me on disability, admit I'm incompetent or put on the street as a prostitute. I'm called both here.
#intimateterrorism #coercivecontrol #Trafficking
Please do not think dating is safe if you meet through friends, coworkers or others you think are "safe." I was set up with my ex-husband through family/friends. local police, hospital, court system here continue to protect him and his group of "friends" forced home to retraumatize me. 10 evictions part of gaslighting. abusive family dynamics here going on since I was a child. 1/2 relatives stalking. some are connected to the local hospital here involved in covering it all up.#VAWG #childabuse #monstersamongus #hiddenhomeless
"home" was extremely important to me, but I have been forced/arrested out of every property I had and numerous apartments here. ongoing sadistic joke to retraumatize me. my childhood like my marriage being violently rewritten. #VAWG #childabuse
#monstersamongus #hiddenhomeless
struggled for years to understand this sick type of abuse. I wrote all the time. helped me survive. my writing cause for derision, constantly told there was something wrong w/me. after all these years, 20 of them! I know the truth. today I continue to write my story. #writerslife
"why didn't she just leave?" I was violently removed, so I have left. now forced to stay in small room in my mother's garage. denied numerous properties in brutal divorce. no car, credit, savings, job. assaulted 3x, arrested 14x, 10x evicted–all in 3yrs. #DVLawReform
feeling pretty good. not writing a novel yet, learning. Today Day 5: 10,548 words, 3 blog posts. I kept a journal for 20yrs. Blogging is the current challenge, hopefully a novel soon. thanks for the help and inspiration. #writerslife #NaNoWriMo2019
I have never been suicidal, some despair lately, but I have been accused numerous x of being suicidal. this is another form of abuse. if I die from the relentless control, it will look like I took my life. making me homeless destitute continues. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
game to see if you will commit suicide. before all this started jokes were made about my ability to survive. I didn't understand at the time the sadistic comments. after 14 arrests, 10 evictions in 3yrs, all my assets gone, the control continues. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
attacks about me being suicidal coincide w/labels of being crazy. control is so normalized here. if I die, will be seen as taking my own life. stripping a person of all their assets making them homeless/destitute not seen as abusive in my town. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
locked up in jail/psychward so they could deliberately take my journals. prevent me from working, destroy my business. I chronicled 20yrs of the abuse, stalking, gaslighting. plus the ongoing threats about my dog, also taken. #VAWG #monstersamongus #coercivecontrol #trafficking
I want to honor vets say thank you, but I’m locked up in a room in my mother’s garage—freedom gone. my community made me homeless/destitute on purpose. stole my assets. this is not “making America great again” #veternsday #hiddenhomeless #Fascism #economicabuse #modernslavery
every step of the way I was further victimized by the systems
meant to help. continual coverup of violence by repeatedly arresting, evicting, assaulting, jailing me. forced homelessness destitution by courts here. #institutionalbetrayal #economicabuse #MeToo #domesticviolence
feeling good about my writing, but didn't write this weekend. after writing all week found myself retraumatized. at first not sure what was going on. had dealt with triggers, but this was pretty bad. had to rest all weekend.#trauma #recovery #coercivecontrol #economicabuse
I've told my story numerous times here to the police, hospital, court, jail, psych ward. each time protection of the abusers, accusations of me being
mentally ill, incompetent, drunk. my life destroyed in 3yrs. #retraumatized #trauma #recovery #coercivecontrol #economicabuse
harrowing to found out the truth. 20yr marriage set up from the start to make me appear mentally ill all along. ungodly, but I have survived worst of it. attacks continue here to make me appear "crazy" denying me right to live my life. #coercivecontrol #economicabuse #recovery
I sit in this small room day after day. no hope to do anything. no one should live this way. everyone involved in this is allowed to live their life. this was not just me and my ex. this has been an ongoing game here 20yrs. stalking me relentlessly. #coercivecontrol #ruralabuse
people involved figured after 20yrs I would kill myself or be insane. I was arrested numerous times told I was suicidal, how convenient. "she did it to herself" all to look like I was mentally ill from the start. now being forced on disability. #coercivecontrol
told for 20yrs I was crazy, started out very subtle. included everyone in my life. absolutely horrible. I recently learned the truth. I have been arrested numerous times now to cover it all up. it almost killed me. #coercivecontrol #stalking #intimateterrorism #inducedsuicide
laws need to change for this horrible abuse. I sit like a hostage in a room now. stalking continues. this group trying to force me on disability, admit I'm incompetent or put on the street as a prostitute. I'm called both here.
#intimateterrorism #coercivecontrol #Trafficking
Please do not think dating is safe if you meet through friends, coworkers or others you think are "safe." I was set up with my ex-husband through family/friends. local police, hospital, court system here continue to protect him and his group of "friends" forced home to retraumatize me. 10 evictions part of gaslighting. abusive family dynamics here going on since I was a child. 1/2 relatives stalking. some are connected to the local hospital here involved in covering it all up.#VAWG #childabuse #monstersamongus #hiddenhomeless
"home" was extremely important to me, but I have been forced/arrested out of every property I had and numerous apartments here. ongoing sadistic joke to retraumatize me. my childhood like my marriage being violently rewritten. #VAWG #childabuse
#monstersamongus #hiddenhomeless
struggled for years to understand this sick type of abuse. I wrote all the time. helped me survive. my writing cause for derision, constantly told there was something wrong w/me. after all these years, 20 of them! I know the truth. today I continue to write my story. #writerslife
"why didn't she just leave?" I was violently removed, so I have left. now forced to stay in small room in my mother's garage. denied numerous properties in brutal divorce. no car, credit, savings, job. assaulted 3x, arrested 14x, 10x evicted–all in 3yrs. #DVLawReform
feeling pretty good. not writing a novel yet, learning. Today Day 5: 10,548 words, 3 blog posts. I kept a journal for 20yrs. Blogging is the current challenge, hopefully a novel soon. thanks for the help and inspiration. #writerslife #NaNoWriMo2019
I have never been suicidal, some despair lately, but I have been accused numerous x of being suicidal. this is another form of abuse. if I die from the relentless control, it will look like I took my life. making me homeless destitute continues. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
game to see if you will commit suicide. before all this started jokes were made about my ability to survive. I didn't understand at the time the sadistic comments. after 14 arrests, 10 evictions in 3yrs, all my assets gone, the control continues. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
attacks about me being suicidal coincide w/labels of being crazy. control is so normalized here. if I die, will be seen as taking my own life. stripping a person of all their assets making them homeless/destitute not seen as abusive in my town. #coercivecontrol #inducedsuicide
locked up in jail/psychward so they could deliberately take my journals. prevent me from working, destroy my business. I chronicled 20yrs of the abuse, stalking, gaslighting. plus the ongoing threats about my dog, also taken. #VAWG #monstersamongus #coercivecontrol #trafficking
I want to honor vets say thank you, but I’m locked up in a room in my mother’s garage—freedom gone. my community made me homeless/destitute on purpose. stole my assets. this is not “making America great again” #veternsday #hiddenhomeless #Fascism #economicabuse #modernslavery
every step of the way I was further victimized by the systems
meant to help. continual coverup of violence by repeatedly arresting, evicting, assaulting, jailing me. forced homelessness destitution by courts here. #institutionalbetrayal #economicabuse #MeToo #domesticviolence